And when they lift restrictions people being infected with Covid 19 will rise.
Without lockdowns infections rise even more than without them, hospitals may be overwhelmed, more people have C-19 health problems & more die.
Lock downs do not accomplish anything.
See above.
They serve to flatten the curve.
After a New Zealand lockdown they had reduced known infections to zero, went over 100 days without a known infection & returned to life as normal, including sports stadiums full of people without masks (while the USA had empty sports stadiums & arenas).
You can't hide or outrun a virus. Only delay people getting it by locking them down.
Lockdowns are much like quarantines. Quarantine an infected person for long enough & the virus is destroyed. OTOH let him free into a large gathering full of covidiots & he may infect & kill many as a super spreader.
Can see you have not done much research on viruses and how they function.
I can see you are quite ignorant & demonstrate little knowledge about viruses.
Tell me how long should a lock down be for? What is an acceptable amount of time?
That is debatable & depends on the circumstances.
There are many different types of lockdowns.
We haven't yet seen a full C-19 lockdown.
Obviously lockdowns were never intended to last forever.